Co Mill is used for Dry and Wet Milling/Size reduction of wide range of products. It’s suitable for standalone as well as online milling.
Benefits & Highlights
Low speed design allowing for inherently gentle action on the product resulting in optimum particle granularity, low heat, low noise, minimal fines and consistent, high quality end product can be used on heat sensitive products, high capacities, fully customizable to many different application and process stream
Advantages as compared to other Milling Equipment
• The output of co mill is near to the size of sieve used approx. 80%-90%, whereas in multi mill it is 1/3 of the sieve used
• The fines generated are on a lower side as compare to other mills
• Heat generation in co mill is comparatively very low as it works on forced pressure
• Other mills have more of dusting as compared to co mill
• Output of co mill is more than any other mills
• Technical Specification
• Co-Mill Sieves SS 316 for GMP Model